Tuesday 15 September 2009

Research into Other Videos

Now we have decided on a song and some ideas to think about, we started to look at videos previously done by The Jackson 5. There were no formal videos created for ABC because at that time music videos werent all that popular, but there is a couple of videos of live performances on television shows.


In this video you will see that there are lots of bright colours used, all of the costumes are quite bright and so is the background and props that are used. They are all bright which is the kind of effect we are going for. Getting it bright and happy and bouncy.

Also The Jackson 5, in later videos, incorperated very primitive animation, as is shown in the Video for "Blame it on the Boogie" and "Can you feel it". This era, the 1960's and 70's where turning points for the music videos.

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