Thursday 15 October 2009

More Video Research

When we were researching into videos that have been made for the Jackson 5's ABC song, we stumbled across an animated version of the video that was made in the 1980's. I have embedded the video below.

There are many aspects of this video that are along the lines of what we have already put into our planning. The bright colours that are used throughout the video, in the costumes and in the backgrounds and in the letters and numbers. This is another aspect that we had already planned before watching this video. Big letters and numbers in bright colours so that the standout. This helps to give an overall happy feeling to the video because of how bright it is. There is animations of all 5 of the Jackson 5 and also of another woman who we can only presume is the mother as we have not watched the rest of the Jackson 5 Cartoon series that was made in america in the 1980's. This was amazing animation for that era. Also, with the theme of the teaching, ABC being as easy as 123, there is a school teacher and all of the Jacksons sitting in a classroom. This video, also has a theme of love in it, of which we picked out and have planned to include in our video before we saw this video, but there are animated hearts in the video and also the line "Sit down girl, I think I love you".

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